We are visiting Glacier National Park in July/August and will be staying in lodges/cabins because of my (irrational????) fear of grizzly bears. But we%26#39;re driving from Michigan to Montana, tent camping along the way. We wanted to so some camping in Montana, but where there is no threat of big bad grizzlies. Any suggestions? Are grizzly bears all over Montana? We love to hike and kayak. Thanks!
Camping in Montana
I spent an entire summer camping in Montana and never once saw a bear of any kind! That said, there are grizzly bears in many places in Montana.
Check this link for more info.. fwp.mt.gov/wildthings/tande/grizzlybear.html
Camping in Montana
Don%26#39;t go off in a grizzly panic here!
Here are some things you can do to feel better: Keep your food locked in the car at night (hanging from trees if backpacking).
After you eat, wash all dishes and dispose of all food scraps far from your campsite in an approved trash receptacle.
Don%26#39;t wear the clothes you wore all day (to cook and eat in) to bed.
Set up your cooking area as far as you can. and downwind, from your sleeping area.
Make noise, chatting and talking as you lounge around your campsite.
If you see an adorable bear cub, Leave. Get in your car if you can, then leave.
IF you do these things, you can rest assured that you are not appealing to a bear. Summer is when food is plentiful and, BTW, you%26#39;re not food.
There are no Grizzlies, or bears of any sort, when you are in the great open spaces of eastern Montana. All the ranges mentioned are remote and don%26#39;t have a lot of campsites, with the exception of the National Parks.
These bears do not hang out in campgrounds where there are people. There are many professional people who make sure that any bears who become habituated to people are removed.
So take a deep breath, relax, and enjoy your camping oddysey. You%26#39;ll have a great time out here, and you%26#39;ll be quite safe.
LET%26#39;S GO BLUE!
Grizzly bears are not all over Montana. We don%26#39;t tent camp in Yellowstone or Glacier, but we did take our pop-up to many other parts of southwestern Montana. What%26#39;s your planned route? How far from it are you willing to detour?
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