We will be in Philipsburg (coming from Illinois) in mid June. We thought we would drive up to Glacier and stay up there for a few days. I know we have about a fifty-fifty chance on the Road to the Sun being open, so with that in mind, which entrance do we head for and what route should we take? And then where would you recommend we stay? Thanks so much!
Best route from Philipsburg to GNP %26amp; where to stay
I think the most stunning part of Glacier is around St. Mary%26#39;s Lake near St. Mary. If you want lodging in the park, St. Mary or Rising Sun would be my choice. There are resorts or B%26amp;B%26#39;s along the route toward Babb.
Best route from Philipsburg to GNP %26amp; where to stay
Just curious if while in the Philipsburg area, will you be hunting sapphires??? I%26#39;ve always wanted to do that, and I%26#39;ve heard the Sapphire Mtns are one of the best places to find good stones. There is also a place where you can buy already collected gravel %26amp; sift thru to find some goodies. You may find garnets, rubies %26amp; gold dust as well.
Anywho, will you be returning to Philipsburg (or I-90) to head back home? If so, I%26#39;d suggest going up to Glacier thru Helena, and coming back on the west side of the Continental Divide to Missoula.
You could go up to Drummond, then east on I-90 to Garrison, then take US 12 to Helena, then up to St. Mary. We like to take the route from Helena that%26#39;s closest to the mountains, but you might like to check out the area around Great Falls.
I really love the route from the west side of the park down past Flathead Lake to Missoula. The Flathead Valley is so pretty. Another route that I%26#39;ve heard is very beautiful is thru the Swan River Valley from Bigfork down to Seeley Lake/hwy 200, then over to I-90.
Lots of options here! You may want to order a 2009 Montana vacation planning packet at www.visitmt.com - the website also has accomodations listed for nearly every town outside the park, so you may be able to find something quite reasonable, yet close to the sites you want to visit.
In June the road in the park will be open at least to Avalanche on the west and maybe as far as Jackson Glacier on the east. The road into Many Glacier will also be open. I would not miss this area. If I could only see one side, I would go with the east and Many Glacier. You can travel south of the park on 2 if you want access to both sides and the road across the park isn%26#39;t open. Most years the average opening is mid to late June, so you may be in luck. Most lodging in park opens mid June. I would try for Many Glacier (just for the scenery), Swiftcurrent or Rising Sun. It is late to be looking for rooms but since you are going early in the season that may work to your advantage. Good luck and enjoy your trip.
The route through Helena is ok and I really like the last portions through Choteau and the front. Then cruise into St. Mary. You might check with the great bear lodge/lodge at St. Mary in St. Mary as they often have early season specials. Roads are open to Avalache, Rising sun, 2-med and many glacier now. As mentioned above, east is best.
Okay, I%26#39;ve read more and looked at maps (and sent for the Montana visitor info) and here%26#39;s my question. On mapquest, they have sent me up 287 to 89 to Glacier. Would that be a good way to go? Scenic? I am sending in reservation requests tonight and hopefully one will pan out. As for sapphires, Montana Joe, who know maybe we will try to find some. I can%26#39;t wait for June! Thanks for the help and keep it coming!
Yep, 287 to 89 thru Choteau is the way we%26#39;ve gone several times. Very scenic, and you should see some antelope close by the road (%26amp; most likely deer %26amp; smaller critters also), especially around Canyon Ferry Lake.
I think the Flathead Valley/ Mission Mountain drive is even more scenic, but I recommend folks travel the east side of the Continental Divide if they can the first time they go. The contrast between the seemingly endless prairie on the east and then the huge mountains rising up out of the west is quite dramatic on that route.
Hope you have a great time!
Just want to say thank you to everyone for their help. I did get reservations at the Many Glacier Hotel. I cannot wait to go! I love the west but I have never been this far up north. Now coming back I think we will be on highway 2 to North Dakota. Anything worth checking out up there?
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