Hi everybody,
My husband and I are considering going to GNP on May 14th and 15th. I understand that this is really early in the season to go so I wanted some advice on whether it was worth the drive we%26#39;d be making to get there. What are your thoughts?
Glacier National Park in early May
Where will you be driving from? The road across the park will be closed as well as the lodges. You will be able to access both sides of the park on the GTTSR for a short distance. By mid May the road into Many Glacier should be open. You will see some scenery but most trails, especially into the higher elevations, will be snow covered.
Glacier National Park in early May
I%26#39;m curious - has GNP seen the heavy spring snow falls in the last 3 weeks that we have? If so, I%26#39;ve got to think that spring is going to be a little late coming to the park this year! I live 2 hours north of GNP, and we%26#39;ve had at least a foot of snow in the last month. It%26#39;s all melted at lower elevations, of course, but the mountains have a LOT of snow pack, thanks to those storms.
Someone on another travel board (Fodors) reported that East Glacier got 65'; of new snow in th elast few days. I cannot confirm that anywhere, but I do see the weather repports call for more snow or snow/rain mix over the nest week.
Yeah, we saw the weather reports and are not going this vacation. Hopefully, we will be able to reschedule and go to GNP later in the summer of 2010. We are still planning on going to Yellowstone and hopefully the weather will clear up more there. Thank you all for your helpful advise. I really appreciate it.
p.s. this trip just proves to me that I have lived in southern California too long because snowfall in May was not even on my radar. :)
I read that St. Mary%26#39;s had 32 inches of snow and the town of Browning was totally cut off by drifts of 10+ feet on roads!!
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